Friday, October 12, 2012

Get Your Customers to Sell for You: 5 Tips

When it comes to selling, referrals are the Holy Grail. It's much easier to make a sale when the sales process starts with a customer recommending you to a friend or colleague.

Ideally, you want to turn your best customers into a "volunteer sales force," according to Rob Fuggetta, author of the newly published book Brand Advocates: Turning Enthusiastic Customers Into a Powerful Marketing Force.

1. Identify your best customers.

First, find out which of your existing customers are likely to join your "volunteer sales force." Use your website, blog, newsletter, or other customer touch points to ask the following question:

On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company or product?
Any customer who responds with a "9″ or a "10″ is a candidate to become what Fuggetta calls a "brand advocate" who will help you sell your product to other people. Capture the contact information for these customers, and you're well on your way to getting those easy-to-close referral sales.

2. Make it easy for your best customers to post reviews.

Once you've identified potential brand advocates, invite them to write reviews of your company or product on sites that post customer reviews (e.g., Yelp, Amazon, Best Buy) and provide them with links to the appropriate pages on those review sites.

According to Fuggetta, about 20% of customers who answered "9″ or "10″ will write reviews. Therefore, if you've got 10,000 customers and 2,000 answer "9″ or "10," you'll end up with 400 customer reviews. That's a lot of reviews.

Customer reviews accomplish two things. First, they make your product more attractive to new buyers, because buyers are more influenced by the opinions of their peers than your advertising or marketing. Second, when existing customers make a public commitment to your product, they are more likely to follow through on the next three steps.

3. Encourage your best customers to write testimonials.